The Carrot Tops Allotment Blog!

An Allotment blog exploring gardening and growing your own produce

Top 10 essential allotment tools

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 I’ve written an article that you can read here about how to look after your tools and why it’s important. You’ll be surprised at how you can get an allotment going with so little.

You’ll also be amazed at how your allotment tools amount up over the years and one day you’ll open the shed and realise you may have too many. Be sure also to keep your tools as secure as you can – there are always stories about how tools go missing.

But without further or do, here are my top ten recommended tools needed to start an allotment.

1. Spade or a shovel

Great for digging ponds

A shovel is great for shovelling, a spade is great for heavy digging and giving the ground a good dig over. Be sure to keep them sharp and they’ll dig or shovel more efficiently

2. Garden fork

A garden fork is very useful for breaking up the earth after a good weeding session. You may also find dismantling a compost easier with a fork.

3. A hand trowel

An essential tool for weeding.

4. Garden gloves

You’ll never know when you’ll have to handle rusty metal or need some extra grip.

5. Secateurs

Essential for pruning trees, bushes and other prune worthy plants

6. A garden sieve

When you’re emptying the compost bin or you need to prepare a bed for some carrots, a garden sieve will make all the difference.

7. Mattock

A mattock is like a miniature pickaxe – it’s quite a heavy tool so it’s ideal for taking out bushes or brambles.

8. A garden hoe

THE tool if you haven’t got time to do a full weed but you want to make a difference.

9. A garden rake

You dig over a bed, and you want to even it off… Use a rake.

10. Garden twine or string

This will probably be one of the most useful allotment tools you’ll use at the allotment. And it’s also biodegradable so you can put it on the compost heap when you’re finished with it.

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Having an allotment is one of the most rewarding things you can do โ€“ it keeps you fit, you learn tonnes about gardening and you get to enjoy fresh fruit and vegetables that money canโ€™t buy.

I hope to share hints, tips and gardening victories!

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