The Carrot Tops Allotment Blog!

An Allotment blog exploring gardening and growing your own produce

Planting Jermor Shallots

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Planting Jermor Shallots is something I did ages ago, back in February, but I’ve only just got around to writing about until now. I planted these way before the Beast from the East and Storm Emma decided to darken our doors.

It feels like ages since I’ve grown shallots, but if I had to take a guess I would probably say that I haven’t grown shallots for about 2 years or so. Shallots are a great little ingredient to have at your finger tips in the kitchen. In my experience shallots are sweeter than a red onion but just as robust. I also find them more on the expensive side in the shops and dare I say it, I tend not to buy shallots too often.

So recently, I managed to get hold of a bag of shallot bulbs and I decided to plant them.

Jermor shallots are an autumn variety, which means by rights, these should have been planted before Christmas. However, I’m not sure if I’m the only one, but for the life of me, I couldn’t see any shallots for sale in any of the shops during last years autumn. Only onions and garlic.

Jermor shallots are often referred to as the exhibitors favourite – which tells me that they produce a fairly uniform crop. They’re a half long type of shallot which means they’re on the longer side rather than the shorter side. Something I didn’t know – is that the smaller, rounder shallots are known as banana shallots, not sure why yet, but I thought it was quite funny.

When planting these shallots I discovered something that is quite obvious when you realise it, but probably not as obvious as it seems. That is, the greatest measure in the garden is the trowel. On average the trowel is around 30cm long from point to point.

This is particularly handy when planting shallots as typically you need to leave around 20cm between each bulb (so from tip of the trowel to the handle) and 30cm between each row (which is the full length of the trowel) ๐Ÿ™‚

It’s such a simple observation, but it makes so much sense. I planted my shallots in a diamond formation, which not only looks quite nice but allows you to get much more into a space. Check out the formation in the pictures!

I then planted the shallots deep enough so that only the tops were showing. This can be a real problem as birds can often pick out the bulbs, so I often create an X going from corner to corner to try and deter the birds from landing.

So did you struggle to buy shallots in the shops this year? What variety have you grown? I’d love to know in the comments below ๐Ÿ™‚

10 responses to “Planting Jermor Shallots”

  1. Sue Hearse Avatar
    Sue Hearse

    Hi Adam will be something I have to have a go at this Autumn. Can I do them in the green house?


    1. Adam Leone Avatar
      Adam Leone

      Excellent Sue ๐Ÿ™‚ Yes you can, I’d plant each bulb in individual pots and let them start off so that at the beginning of next year you can plant them straight outside. Good luck ๐Ÿ™‚


  2. Mal Laycock Avatar
    Mal Laycock

    Hi Adam, just seen article on growing Jermor shallots. I have been growing Jermor for quite a few years now, but donโ€™t have to worry about buying new sets as I always keep the largest bulbs and plant them round about 27th October and then harvest them late June. In fact today (7th July) I have just hung them up for storing (plus kept enough back for planting later)


    1. Adam Leone Avatar

      Hey! Thanks for commenting ๐Ÿ™‚ Oh that’s interesting – how many bulbs do you keep aside for replanting out of curiosity?


  3. Mr Peter Lockyear Avatar
    Mr Peter Lockyear

    Hi Adam.
    I grew Longor Shallots last season and was most impressed with both the yield, and taste. They are wonderful roasted, so sweet.
    I’m going to plant half my Jermor today, and half in a months time to see if there is any difference.


    1. Adam Leone Avatar

      Hello! Thank you for commenting ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve not heard of Longor Shallots, but they look great, quite bulbous in fact. I’ll definitely see if I can hunt some down. I can’t believe we’re talking about planting shallots already – time really does fly doesn’t it!


  4. David Avatar

    I just received a delivery from DT Brown including 20 Jermor shallots. I will be planting today. Quite pricey, so I’ll definitely be following what the other comments said for next year’s crop.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Adam Leone Avatar

      They are quite pricey for sure, I’m waiting until the end of the month to buy some sets, I’ve just cleared a few beds and still have some spuds to dig out. Good luck with your shallots! I hope they’re as good as expected ๐Ÿ™‚


      1. stephen martin Avatar
        stephen martin

        hi adam
        i’ll have clay base soil so when planting shallots in the autumn i’ll make a hole with a dibber and put fill with with potting grit before planting the shallots other wise plant in march when am planting heat treated onion sets to prevent rotting



      2. Adam Leone Avatar

        Hello Steve! That’s an awesome tip, thank you! Would this also work with vermiculite?


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