The Carrot Tops Allotment Blog!

An Allotment blog exploring gardening and growing your own produce

Building Raised beds

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For the last year or so I’ve been building raised beds at the allotment, so I thought I’d go over how I go about making these beds out of reclaimed decking.

Theres lots of documentation online about how to build raised beds and I think any/all methods and techniques are valuable.

If you’re like me, then you’ll find yourself garnishing different techniques from different things online – which will culminate with the materials that you have available to the way in which you build your beds.

I’ve written a post about how to prepare a raised bed here, so hopefully this post will be more about how to build them in the first place.

I’ve learnt a lot whilst building these beds including the practice of cutting wood, and some key things I like to stick too include:

Keep the parts a manageable size

The beds I’m building are approximately 4 metres long, and around 40cm-50cm wide, so the pieces of wood that I cut tend to be a meter in length.

Generally speaking, I feel it’s a lot easier to move and manage pieces of wood that are a metre long, rather than 2-3 metres long.

Waste as little as possible

There’s no doubt that you’ll end up with an array of off cuts and a mixture of odds and ends to what you’re cutting.

I’ve been using these odds and ends to make the pegs that will hold the boards in the ground.

The rule I’m sticking to is – if it’s not rotten, then it can be used.

I screw the pegs into the boards, rather than nail them. I learnt the hard way that if you use nails, as you bury the boards, the pegs and boards will come apart – which is quite frustrating.

Don’t make the beds too big

This is because you need to be able to reach across from one end to another to weed. I’ve touched upon this in my of my Ask Adam posts.

I’ve had beds in the past that have been too big, and I’ve found that weeding has taken too long, plus I’ve found myself aching way too much afterward.

Also, the width of a bed is easier to cover during the winter months.

The paths in between my beds are a 1 metre wide – I’ve been using plastic sheeting to help with maintaining widths of the paths and beds up and down the plot.

How do you make your raised beds? What hints and tips can you share in the comments below?

9 responses to “Building Raised beds”

  1. Neil Avatar

    Hi Adam nice post. I have not made any raised beds as of yet. I intend making some this winter, and a few smaller herd beds too

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Adam Leone Avatar

      Thanks Neil! It’s certainly something that happens once in a blue moon – my DIY is shocking though… I try my best though lol.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. nicdempsey Avatar

    I cheat! We bought some that you just fit together and for quite a few of them I used lawn edging. My DIY skills are passable but I donโ€™t drive and thereโ€™s a limit to what I can take in the bus!
    I do have a plan to build larger squash beds in the new section of the plot this season but weโ€™ll see how that goes..

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Adam Leone Avatar

      Absolutely cheat if you can. I’m building mine to cut costs ultimately – I keep seeing pallet collars here and there and I must admit it does look like they make life easy.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Dragon Cotterill Avatar

    I built my raised beds out of a standard build so all of my beds are exactly the same size (6ftx3ft). Because of this, the frames can all stack on top of each other. So I can have some beds deeper than others and mix and match as I see fit.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Adam Leone Avatar

      Nice! Are these pallet collars I wonder? It’s great you can stack them, it’s sounds like good flexibility for crop rotation in years to come ๐Ÿ™‚


  4. An Allotment Summer 2020 – Carrot Tops Allotment Avatar

    […] been almost 2 years since I’ve actively grown anything, because I was rebuilding the beds and trying my hardest to eradicate (or mildly disrupt) mares tail and bindweed, and during that […]


  5. New Allotment Project (Unknown)? – Carrot Tops Allotment Avatar

    [โ€ฆ] The wood store consists mostly of these logs and off cuts of decking used to create the raised beds. [โ€ฆ]


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    […] were actually the same pieces of board I used to create the raised beds, so I cut them to size, leaving an overlap to act as a kind of canopy. The canopy is really just […]


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Having an allotment is one of the most rewarding things you can do โ€“ it keeps you fit, you learn tonnes about gardening and you get to enjoy fresh fruit and vegetables that money canโ€™t buy.

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